Weight Loss Changed Me

So I wrote a little section on my Tumblr today on how my weight-loss journey has changed me as a person (no edit, just raw thoughts), and I thought I would share it with all of my bloggers:
I used to be a size 12, although my bone-structure is not naturally a size 12 (as in my hips are not a size 12). I was over-weight and I ate anything I wanted! I ate junk food if I wanted to all day, (as an example).
One day, I realised I had to change. I had to be healthier and happier in my body not only for how I appear, but for my general health, as it came to a time where I could not look at myself properly in the mirror and I felt so sluggish and ill. I wanted to be happier in the skin I am in.
So I did it, I made the change and over the last seven months, it has been hard work but I have enjoyed every single moment. I am so much happier within myself then I have ever been before. I have found a love in health and fitness which I want to carry on pursuing potentially into a career. I have lost 2st 10lbs (approx.). I love weight-lifting. I love being strong. I love clean eating. I love having progress on a weekly basis. Not only have I become externally stronger, but internally, as weight loss is an internal as well as external battle, but not only that I have learnt that there is always going to be something to improve about myself and I will embrace that. There will always be something I want to improve on my body, and there will always be something to be improved in my mind. I stay positive, I will be kind to others, I will support and most importantly, I will be fair to myself and sometimes, others will not like that. But this is my life, and I will be fair to what I want to do or desire. My mistakes are mine and I will always do what I want to do in the end. Do not live your life through someone else’s expectations.
I can not control the actions of others, but I can control myself, so I will always try and be positive and I will always be improving myself, internally and externally. I have focused on myself and it’s allowed me to love who I am and try and be an example to others that you are strong enough. You will always grow, develop and learn and that is the beauty of life.
I inspire to inspire other people, and my weight loss journey is not only about losing weight and becoming smaller, stronger and leaner… it’s about a woman who carried on growing as a person in the process of losing weight and continuously making herself into a better person. I am not the same person I was a year ago.
The message of my story? Do what makes you happy. Life is about being happy. I was not always happy, and I sometimes did things that others wanted me to do, instead of doing it for myself. I have learnt that is wrong. If you’re not happy, change. Do what you want to do. Love yourself enough to respect yourself and your own desires and wishes. If you’re not happy in life, what is the point? So societies and other individuals expectations? Fuck them. You don’t need to live by anyone else’s expectations and opinions but your own.
Be fair, be confident, be proud, be happy, be beautiful and be kind. Be the difference. Live by example, and be the example you will want to show your children someday. Fitness to me is more then what you do in a gym.

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